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Math+Science Center


Express a Fraction as a Decimal

We use long division to change a fraction to a decimal. Here is the process:

  1. Set up a long division problem dividing the numerator by the denominator.
  2. Write a decimal point and several zeroes after the numerator (dividend).
  3. Perform the division placing the decimal point in the same place in the quotient (result).
  4. The quotient from this division will be in one of three forms:
    • whole number
    • terminating decimal
    • repeating decimal
Example 1: Whole Number Quotient

Suppose we want to convert the following fraction to a decimal:


Example 2: Terminating Decimal Quotient

In this example, we want the decimal equivalent of this fraction:


Example 3: Repeating Decimal Quotient

Consider the final example fraction:



Change the following fractions to decimals.