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Express a Decimal as a Percent

Changing a decimal to a percent is simply a matter of changing the form of a number to express a concept more clearly. Percents reflect the occurrence per hundred in a population and provide a means to express numbers in equivalent forms for comparison.
To express a decimal as a percent:

  1. Multiply the decimal by 100
  2. Insert a percent sign (%) after the result.

Since percents are in terms of one hundred, we can use a shortcut to changing decimals to percent. It is important, however, to understand and remember that percents are decimals multiplied by 100. As long as you understand this, you can use the shortcut.
To express a decimal as a percent by the shortcut:

  1. Move the decimal point (.) two places to the right.
  2. Insert a percent sign (%) after the result.

Practice 1: Change the following decimals to percents.

1) 0.6 2) 1.57 3) 0.025 4) 0.34 5) 7.58
6) 29.038 7) 0.007 8) 5.004 9) 0.857 10) 0.1279