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HLC/NCA Accreditation at Phoenix College         






Committee Portal

Accreditation Timeline

Criterion Committees:
Criterion 1
Criterion 2
Criterion 3
Criterion 4
Criterion 5







DECEMBER 15, 2003

Members Present:  Christy S., Rebecca V., Nan R., Julie S., Dianne G., Michael H. for Cheryl A., Cassandra K., Raul S., Sara R.

Members reviewed the minutes of the last meeting and submitted corrections.

The committee began to review the items to establish patterns of evidence that exist for the mission and Core Component 5A:

1) We documents and publish documents that inform students and community about its programs and services.  Most of these are in the catalog and schedules.  Programs and services include: 

ü      Academic (including ESL)                                       catalog         

ü      Occupational                                                             catalog         

ü      Personal Enrichment                                                catalog

ü      Developmental education and ESL                        catalog

ü      Reputation for meeting and exceeding needs in delivery of instruction (how do we know we do this)

ü      Individual and community connections, such as

ü      government,                                    Michael H. will provide     

ü      education,                                        Cassie K. & Dianne G.

ü      business,                                          Cassie K.                             

ü      individual,

ü      community residents                                            Christy S. & Mike M.

ü      Professional development opportunities                part of Criterion #4

ü      Accessible within the defined parameters set by programs, district, and department                                                 catalog

Expansive student service activities and enrichment activities (student organizations, athletics, theater, and others).        catalog, schedule,

                                                                                          handbook, Gerry B.

Might be a good item for faculty survey to capture enrichment activities tied to instruction

Possible links on website

In addition, a list of the existing advisory committees and the members should be an on-line document that is available to establish links with business and industry partners. 

The President’s Roundtable members and work can be provided to further document the engagement between our constituencies as identified in prior meetings.

The Spring 2002 Strategic Planning process can link to the website

The committee identified gaps in meeting the mission’s goal of being a comprehensive community college:

Is there support for those who need to meet or know those defined parameters?  1)  **College does not publish all the parameters that students or interested parties may want to know about some program, (i.e. restrictions, requirements, prerequisites, realistic required GPAs for admissions, etc.) or course prerequisites (i.e. informal prerequisites exist which are not published anywhere, but exist at the request of program or department).  Need to look at 2003 and 2004 data from “Cessie” for college to learn from students’ point of view.

2)**The college is limited in its capacity to provide flexible delivery modes and support resources for faculty, staff and students in areas such as OE/OE, use of technology, compressed course delivery, expanded instructional modalities.   We have not created organizational structures which could be in place to cover summer school.  An Enrollment Management Committee has been created; the committee is composed of student services departments and instructional and service faculty.  These issues and possible resolutions may arise out of the committee’s work.

3)**Year round delivery of instruction and services is challenging for the college.   Human resources policies and procedures as well as financial resources continue to be a challenge for the college.

The committee defined the following phrase in the mission statement: 

Responsive to changing needs of community and students

ü      Constantly evolving

ü      Proactive-Anticipating needs and taking action to meet those needs

ü      College has “the pulse” of the community

The committee identified gaps in meeting the mission’s goal of being responsive to changing needs of community and students

**Policies and Procedures set at the district office limit the institution’s capacity to be as responsive as the college would like to be.  Some processes that continue to present challenges are:

1)     Hiring processes including the slow process, control of interview questions, and use of day enrollment when determining department needs for new hires;

2)     Procurement processes;

3)     Funding formulas do not support bringing in new programs with existing resources.  Enrollment growth does not favor inner city campuses.  Yet PC has more programs and older buildings.  (Survey Department Cha

campuses. Yet PC has more programs and older buildings (Survey Department Chairs re:  this item and partnerships with business/industry)

4)     Healthcare programs are a growing trend but it is difficult to bring in new programs with existing resources.  Partnerships have been established to address resource issues for space and equipment.

ü      PC promotes life long learning

ü      Goals are defined by the individual, community organization, professional associations or constituent group (see list from Sept & October meetings)

ü      Not defined by time.  Within the published parameters for awarding degrees and certificates, the college does not define goals or set a prescribed time limit for completion

Having examined the PC Mission Statement, the committee began to address the Core Component  5A:  The organization learns from the constituencies it serves and analyzes its capacity to serve their needs and expectations.

Examples of Evidence:

The organization practices periodic environmental scanning to understand the changing needs of its constituencies and their communities:

ü      Environmental scans used by college and district in planning

1.      O’Neil survey done 6-7 years ago                     Cassie K.

2.      P-20 movement                                                   Cassie K.

3.      Community College Survey of Student Engagement conducted last year (I added this after the meeting)                     Jeremy M.

4.      Advisory councils

5.      Presidents Roundtable                           Cassie K.

6.      Phoenix Think Tank                                            Cassie K.

7.      Analysis of our own college data for information on student demographics and its changes                   Jeremy M.

8.      CAS Review from Service Areas                     Ann Moss/Tonya Drake

9.      District Advisement Council student                 Ann Moss/Debbie K @ SC

surveys                                                                 & District IR

10.  MCCD A&R Council & others                                     

ü      Development of committees with service, instruction, and student services representatives.   Provide links to the following examples:

Enrollment Management

Strategic Planning

Advisory Committees

The organization demonstrates attention to diversity of the constituencies it serves:

ü      Development of Recruitment and Retention-Outreach Partnerships

1.      Assessments of PC (need documentation on development of the department and its programs)  Rebecca V. & Queta C.


2.      PC-Ace Programs and At risk scholarship programs (need documentation on development of the programs)  

Queta C. & Mitra M.

3.      Title V – data of PC students                 collect from Maria E.

4.      Response to ADA issues                   collect from Mitra M.

5.      Response to senior adult population         Rose P.

6.      Response to students via new student organizations   Rebecca Valenzuela

7.      Response to community and healthcare industry -- ?? document the initiatives through Proposition 301 funds

While several patterns of evidence exist, a gap has been identified in the area of diversity:   Does PC have a definition of diversity that is developed and documented throughout campus?  The 1998 PC College Planning Session document has a section on diversity with activities and timelines to follow.  On of the activities is “What is diversity at PC”.  No info on whether these discussions were held or what may resulted

In responding to its external constituencies, the organization is well served by programs such as continuing education, outreach, customized training, and extension services.

ü      Needs assessments

1;  CTE-Triple in size(need documentation on development of the department and its programs)                                    Cassie K.

2.   O’Neil Study result                                  Jeremy M.

3.  CEUs by departments (Nursing, Dental Health, Fire Science)    ?  who will collect   Survey could be done of departments and agencies

4.       Public Relations-Development of Area                       Christy S.

5.      Alumni and Development-evolving into Office of Institutional Advancement                                                                  Frank L.

6.      Dental Clinic service by dept. & students                     Nan R.

a.       Number of clients served

b.       Funding provided

7.       PEP-Parent Education Prevention grants into           Cassie K.

classes for parents                                                              

8.      Development of CAS, CEG, and NSS             Raul S.

9.      Bilingual computer training modularized (lost people support currently not happening.  Why, if we’re saying it met a need of our constituents?  What are we doing to respond to bilingual students with limited ENG proficiency?)

10. Service Excellence

11. Model GED Center-Training for GED

12. Sign Language Lab-more lab and funds as population and needs increased

13. ACT Center

14. SOAR and WV Consortium

15. International Student Center Development (need info re: dev)

16. Adult Re-entry from Women’s Center (need info re: dev)

17. New Programs

Health care program development      Julie S., Nan R., Dianne G.

18. SASS Program

19. Off Site Degrees

20.  Responding to Navajo students through Navajo language class, tribal court advocacy providing internships in tribal courts in tribal governments                                               Dean Tadano/Roland W.

21. Response to WMD and Terrorism Preparedness      Rose P. & Kay L.

The committee identified gaps in meeting Core Component  5A:  The organization learns from the constituencies it serves and analyzes its capacity to serve their needs and expectations.

As a college, does the college have a systematic process by which we analyze and make decisions about the needs and expectations of our constituents?  Is there a documented process in place that takes the information we gather, analyzes it and makes decisions about what our constituents need and how the college will respond (if it will respond)?

While individual departments use the information, i.e environmental scans, student data, surveys and advisory council input, PC seems to lack a systematic, documented process that is clearly identified or charged with this responsibility.  During President Pepicello’s tenure, there was the PC Planning Council (PC-PC) that served this role and met with the expressed role of analyzing and determining needs and college responses (documentation needed to serve as evidence.  1998 College Planning Session seems to document several college conversations re:  planning issues and plans).  PC-PC had broad representation and met quarterly with President Pepicello.  She provided a state of the college and identified issues for PC-PC to analyze and create strategies to respond.  At this time, there doesn’t seem to be a clear process or group that has this charge.  Is the current strategic planning process beginning to serve in this capacity? 

Area of Improvement:

The college will be hiring a Dean of Occupational Education.  A position at this level of the organization whose function focuses on occupational education should improve communication between administration  and these programs.  In addition, a Dean whose focus is occupational education may help improve the planning and response processes between business, industry, community and college. 


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