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March 2003

Our numbers for the academic year 2001-2002 have remained strong; we offered nearly thirty classes, of which only three were cancelled; over three hundred seats were filled. The program continues to grow, as shown by enrollment totals (45th Day Measures):

45th Day Measures

CRW Fall 2001

CRW Spring 2002

Enrollment Count (Duplicate Count)



Headcount (Unduplicated Counts)



The enrollment numbers above, as well as the following data on the four graduates of the Creative Writing program at PC during the 2001-2002 academic year, were tabulated and verified by PC’s Director of Institutional Assessment and Planning, Dr. Jeremy Moreland.

All four graduates of the program in 2001-2002 were returning students. All had BA degrees; one possessed graduate degrees. Three of the four were female. The recipients ranged in age from 21 to 63, with the average age being 43.5. The students’ average GPA, for the semester in which they were awarded CRW certificates, was 3.93; they had completed a cumulative average of 46 college credits, with an average of 5.75 credit hours having been earned during the semester in which they were awarded the Academic Certificate in Creative Writing.

As part of an effort to increase community awareness of PC’s Creative Writing courses as well as its program, we presented six “New Voices,” a reading series concentrating on student writing and open to the public. In addition, we brought in five well-know writers for our students and the wider community, and offered sixteen free writing workshops for the public, many of which were filled beyond capacity. This spring we are offering a Friday-Saturday seminary, “Getting Published in the Real World,” featuring Kim Adelman, whose success story appeared in Time magazine.

Our program continues to reach into the wider community, primarily because we attract writers who, for one reason or another, are not interested in pursuing MFA in Creative Writing degrees. Many of our students are writing memoirs and family history; others are interested in writing for children. For those who are interested in further academic work, our program offers an excellent preparation for the MFA.

We have also carried out substantial revisions to our program. According to Jim Gregory, Coordinator of PC’s Curriculum Office, a total of 19 CRW proposals have been processed this academic year. The proposals included:

·         Modifications to course numbers, titles, and/or prerequisite requirements for 14 CRW courses.

·         Proposals for four (4) new CRW courses.

·         An Academic Program Modification proposal, modifying the program to reflect the changes embodied in the above 18 course proposals.

These proposals, and the accompanying program modification, have been designed to make the two tracks of our program (the Certificate Track and the “General Track”) more accessible and responsive to our students. We have created four “umbrella” courses, one for each of the major creative writing genres (fiction, poetry, creative non-fiction, and film/play writing) under which we can offer a wide variety of topics, giving us the ability to respond to “timely” or “hot” areas of concern for creative writers. These modifications include the deletion of a number of smaller (one- or two-credit) courses from the District course bank, allowing us to expand these topics into three-credit offerings under one of the “umbrella” courses, as we see fit.

We have also identified several large communities of interest in the Phoenix area (for example, for the popular genres of mystery writing; the romance novel; fantasy and science fiction; and the graphic novel), and hope to attract these communities through courses offered under our “umbrella” courses. As an example of this, our faculty member Hershman John will be offering a course next Spring in Writing the Graphic Novel, which will include a visit to the campus by Stan Lee, the creator of Marvel Comics Super Heroes (including Spider Man).

We continue to receive requests from talented and published writers who would like to teach for us. Future projects include writing a grant for the Arizona Commission on the Arts to widen our reading series, organizing a Phoenix College Creative Writing Program Writing Contest, and renewing our outreach into the valley high schools by sending writers in to read, educate, and recruit.

Finally, I would like to include several testimonials from students. What we really offer to the community is an attentive and caring space in which people can explore their desire to write, regardless of their level of experience. Based on their experiences in our program, many of our students form small writing “cells” to continue their work. Many have successfully placed their work in literary journals, while others have self-published work for their family and friends. We are pleased, even proud, to offer these services to our community, and feel that we make a substantial contribution to the mission of Phoenix College.

Jed Allen


Phoenix College Creative Writing Program


THE PHOENIX COLLEGE CREATIVE WRITING PROGRAM (Excerpted from promotional literature)

Phoenix College has one of the only Creative Writing Certificate Programs in the country at the community college level. The program is designed not only for those interested in obtaining a certificate – the “Formal Track,” but also equally for those who would like, for whatever reason, to explore creative writing in their lives. For examples, we offer classes in Memoir Writing, Creative Non-Fiction, and Journaling, all of which might help you in projects such as putting together family histories, personal memoirs, or exploring your experience through journaling. This aspect of the program, the “Informal Track,” will be expanding to include classes in Writing the Mystery Novel, the Romance Novel, the Graphic Novel, and other writing projects not usually included in writing programs. Our introductory classes, such as CRW150, also offer the opportunity to explore creative writing techniques in general. Such classes can make you not only a better writer, but a more appreciative reader as well. Many of our students form writing groups outside of class to continue friendships and valuable critiques of their work. We also offer free workshops every semester, such as Healing Through Writing, and student and guest readings. Writing can enhance your life at many levels, and we encourage you to give us a try. Please contact Jed Allen, the program’s director, for more information (602-285-7345).

Printed schedules are available on the Phoenix College campus. You can also go to the Phoenix College Web site, click on “Class Schedule,” and look for the Creative Writing Program. Information about the Certificate Track part of the program is available in the English Department office. We are compiling an e-mail mailing list, and would be glad to add you to it. Write to:

Academic Certificate in Creative Writing: 24 credits

Draft 11/4/02

Required Courses                   21 credits

AREA NOTES: ENG 210 may be substituted for CRW 150 with permission of Program Coordinator.

CRW 150 Introduction to Creative Writing OR             3

CRW 155 Bilingual Creative Writing AND

CRW 120 Introduction to Writing Children’s Literature OR                  6

THE 118 Playwriting OR

CRW 160 Introduction to Writing Poetry OR

CRW 170 Introduction to Writing Fiction OR

CRW 180 Introduction to Writing Creative Nonfiction OR

CRW 190 Introduction to Screenwriting AND

CRW 220 Intermediate Writing Children’s Literature OR                      9

CRW 270 Intermediate Fiction Writing OR

CRW 290 Intermediate Screenwriting OR

CRW 261 Topics in Writing: Poetry OR

CRW 271 Topics in Writing: Fiction OR

CRW 281 Topics in Writing: Nonfiction OR

CRW 291 Topics in Writing: Plays OR

CRW 272 Planning and Structuring the Novel OR

CRW 273 Writing the Novel OR

CRW 274 Revising the Novel AND

CRW 200 Reading for Writers AND                            2

CRW 201 Portfolio                  1

Restricted Electives                3 credits

CRW 202 The Writer as Witness

CRW 203 Dialogue

CRW 204 Journaling

CRW 275 Writing the Mystery Novel

Any other CRW


ENG 217 Personal and Exploratory Writing

ENG 219 Life Stories

ENG 235 Magazine Article Writing

ENG 236 Magazine Writer’s Workshop

ENG 260 Film Analysis

HUM/THE 210 Contemporary Cinema

THE 220 Modern Drama

COM/THP 241 Performance of Literature

COM/THP 243 Interpreters Theatre


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