The defense system is depressed by alcohol as alcohol interferes with formation and deposition of collagen and can lead to an increase in post-surgical healing time. Alcoholics are also more prone to post-extraction infections, consequently carry out all extractions with as little trauma as possible with precautions to prevent a dry socket from occurring. Some references state that chronic alcoholic patients should be provided with antibiotic therapy following oral surgery procedures.

Candidal infections associated with an impaired immune system are also present. The alcoholic patient is more vulnerable to viral and fungal infections since their immune system is depressed.

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The alcoholic patient is more vulnerable to which type of intra-oral infections:

    c.both viral and fungal


The synthesis of plasma proteins is depressed in severe liver disease resulting from alcoholism. Vitamin K is absorbed poorly which leads to decreased synthesis of a number of clotting factors, as well. Consequently, hemorrhage can be difficult to manage - if surgery is planned, consultation with hematologist is necessary. Advanced alcoholic liver disease leads to reduced prothrombin synthesis and can have a direct effect on the bone marrow which can lead to thrombocytopenia.

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A vitamin that is poorly absorbed in alcoholics and can lead to decreased synthesis of a number of clotting factors is:

    a.Vitamin B12
    b.Vitamin C
    c.Vitamin D
    d.Vitamin K
    e.Vitamin A