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Phoenix College Assessment Committees







Minutes Occupational Directors Meeting - October 17, 2000

Attendance: Kristin Anderson, Matthew Fisher, Kathy Green, Linda Tramel, Diane Stark, Cathee Tankersley, Debra Dorr, Ken Roberts, Kay Hilder, Linda Kurth, William Jones, Helen Houser, Liz Ligon, Jesse Mireles, Marian Tadano, Georgia Gudykunst

Each faculty member introduced him or herself and shared information about their program.

Kristin reviewed last years minutes, including the Occupational Assessments goals as directed by the PC Steering and General Assessment Committee. We also reviewed the Phoenix College Mission Statement highlighting Occupational Programs.

Kristin purposed that the group adopts a definition of program at Phoenix College. The group concurred that the following definition would be accepted:
An Occupation Program at Phoenix College shall be defined as a program which prepares students for a respective area of the workforce and one in which the student receives an Associate of Applied Science Degree or a Certificate from Phoenix College.

Discussion then focused on an outcome statement that the group would agree on. Purposed was the following: Occupational Programs at Phoenix College will prepare students for the workforce.

An example of a template for measuring this outcome was presented. The group discussed the template as well as ways to track students after graduation, programs that build job skill but are not "giving" degrees, and the Carl Perkins Grant at Phoenix College.

Motion was made to adopt the outcome as outcome # 1 for occupational programs at PC. It was a unanimous decision to accept this outcome.

In the PC Assessment Plan value is placed on "dialog across disciplines." It was emphasized that an important goal of the Occupational group is to share information about our programs as well as the methods utilized to measure student achievement.

We will meet one more time this semester to share information.

Next Meeting November 20th at 2:30

Meeting adjourned at 3:20
Kristin Anderson

Occupational Directors Assessment Committee - March 19, 2001
Monday, 3:00
Minutes: Informal Workshop for outcomes statement

Present: Kristin Anderson, Kay Hilder, Diane Stark, Margaret Souder, Helen Houser, Kay Lewis

Kristin gave Margaret Souder, a new Director of nursing, and an overview of the committee work of the preceding year. Margaret stated that nursing is accustom to outcomes assessment and has been doing it for many years. Nursing is presently assessing their new curriculum and will have data for NCA report in October.

Diane presented a student intern feedback form that she has developed for her program.

The group shared the variety of assessments used in their programs and how the matrix should be completed. Kay gave an overview of an excellent tool that she developed last year for measuring program and course competencies. The survey was sent to fire fighters and other appropriate individuals to assess their program and ask if the necessary information is being covered in their programs.

Diane asked if submitting assignments to the college assessment committees of writing, oral presentation, numeracy, and team building could be presented as part of the matrix for their program. Kristin stated that probably this could be used, however feedback for this type of information would be at the college gen. Ed. Assessment level. Kristin will discuss with the steering committee.

Kay Hilder asked if all programs, certificate or associate should submit a matrix. Kristin stated that, yes, all programs will need to submit a matrix that gives information to NCA as to how they are measuring the outcome statement: Occupational programs at Phoenix College will prepare students for the workforce.

Kristin suggested that half the programs submit information in May and the other half in the fall. The information will be sent to the Office of Research and Development.

Meeting adjourned at 4:00

Kristin Anderson, Chair



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