Steps for ADMITTING yourself to Phoenix College


  1. Go to:

Option A: If you have NEVER attended ANY of the Maricopa Colleges, click “Start New Application.”

Option B: If you previously attended one of the Maricopa Colleges, click “Continue Saved Application or Reapply.”

  1. After you click the appropriate option, login with your MEID and Password
  2. Complete all required information and go to the next screen.
  3. Select “Credit” as your Academic Career
  4. Select “Phoenix College” as your Primary College of Interest
  5. Choose “Career and Technical Degree” if you do not yet have a degree.  Choose “Career and Technical Certificate” if you do have a degree.
  6. Choose “Paralegal Studies” under “What degree/academic Plan do you intend to earn.”
  7. Click “Add Program to my Application”
  8. Click “Save and Next”
  9. Follow any final instructions.

Click here to return to the Eligibility Form Instructions