Topic, Main Idea, Topic Sentence, Supporting Details

Reading Paragraphs:

Topic, Main Idea, Topic Sentence, Supporting Details

Structure is an extremely important part of the English language. The structure of a paragraph contains four elements: a topic, a main idea, a topic sentence, and supporting details. Without these elements, the paragraph is incomplete.


The general idea or the subject of the paragraph is the topic.

Practice Exercise 1, click here.

Practice Exercise 2, click here.

Practice Exercise 3, click here.

Main Idea

The main idea further focuses on the point of the paragraph. What does the author want the reader to know about the subject or topic of the paragraph? The answer to this question is the main idea. The main idea is not expressed in a complete sentence.

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Practice main idea and details using the story "The Cemetery Path".

Topic Sentence

The topic sentence in paragraphs is the sentence that formally states the main idea.

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More practice on topics, click here.

Supporting Details

Supporting details contain the evidence to prove that the main idea is true and correct. Supporting details often contain dates, numbers, or percentages. Usually a paragraph contains two to three major details, as well as minor details.

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Click here for more explanation.

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Reading for details! Click on one of the sites below.

Gray Whales. Read and answer the questions.

Nature and history. This site has short paragraphs with word, sentence and paragraph practice.

Sample paragraph, click here! This site is from another college! It is color-coded, so please read and practice carefully.

More on the parts of a paragraph, click here!

Practice, Practice, Practice with paragraphs

and longer reading selections.

Reading paragraphs and stories, from basic to advanced, click here.

There are a variety of practice readings and stories that help reading comprehension, details, vocabulary.

Reading paragraphs and stories, from basic to advanced, click here.

Six different readings and stories where you can practice reading comprehension.

Reading comprehension, details, and vocabulary, click here.

In addition to practicing reading comprehension, this site has a cloze exercise page that will help you practice vocabulary.

More reading comprehension, click on the links below.

Articles: Choose a subject of interest and click on it. Then follow the instructions to answer comprehension and vocabulary questions. There are subjects from A to Z on this site from CDLP Online News.

Longer readings and short stories: This is a great site. It has many different articles and stories.

More short stories: This site has an index of short stories. Click on any of them and read away.

More from the University of Victoria: Great overall site with many different exercises and levels.