Facilities Planning & Development

Status Report
February, 2000

Projects in Planning


Locker Rooms Renovations & HVAC Replacement

SCOPE: Replace and renovate all locker room areas to promote gender equity, and replace and upgrade the HVAC system to current code standards.

STATUS: The Architect submitted a complete scoping report. The preliminary cost estimates is over budget. The project has been temporarily put on hold to reevaluate the project scope in order to comply with gender equity requirements. Legal staff is reviewing the project.


ADA Signage Replacement Project

SCOPE: Replace rooms and directional signage campus wide with new ADA compliant signage. The new signage will be similar to the new library signage.

STATUS: The project is being compiled.


ADA Hardware Replacement Project

SCOPE: Replace campus wide all exiting doors hardware with new ADA compliant hardware.

STATUS: The project is being compiled.


CCTV and Emergency Telephones

SCOPE: Provide new surveillance cameras and emergency telephones at parking areas and other misc. locations throughout campus.

STATUS: Vendor submitted a proposal for review and approval.


Chemistry Code/misc. Repairs

SCOPE: Provide emergency showers at chemistry labs.

STATUS: The project is to be completed by the Maintenance department.


Building A Electrical Renovations

SCOPE: Upgrade the building electrical/power system to accommodate current demand.

STATUS: The project is being compiled.


Buildings AU & D Exterior Repairs

SCOPE: Repair existing exterior bricks and concrete surfaces. Repaint concrete and stucco surfaces.

STATUS: The project is being compiled. The project is pending funding approval.


Buildings B & C Exterior Painting

SCOPE: Repaint existing concrete/stucco surfaces.

STATUS: The project is being compiled. The project is pending funding approval.


Buildings A & E Exterior Repairs

SCOPE: Repair existing exterior bricks and concrete surfaces. Repaint concrete and stucco surfaces.

STATUS: The project is being compiled. The project is pending funding approval.


Hannelly Center Renovations

SCOPE: Replace the cafeteria flooring @ dining and service areas.

STATUS: The project is being compiled.


Projects in Design


Facilities Handbook Update

SCOPE: Update the Facilities Handbook to accurately reflect existing floor plans, use and capacities of our facilities.

STATUS: On going project.


Building A Corridor Renovations

SCOPE: Renovate existing corridors. Replace flooring, repaint walls & replace ceiling.

STATUS: The project is on hold pending resolution of scope.


North Parking Lot Renovations

SCOPE: Replace existing deteriorated asphalt pavement.

STATUS: The project was deferred to the summer of 2000.

Projects in Construction



Building D Renovations

SCOPE: Renovate Bldg. D to accommodate the relocation of Ikon Printing shop & mail center to the premises.

STATUS: The printing shop and mail center was completed. Work in room #120. Has been deferred until space programming issues are resolved.


Multi-purpose Classroom (Dalby Building) & Administration Building


SCOPE: Provide a new Multi-purpose Classroom, Laboratory and Bookstore Building. Remodel existing CS building to house the college administrative offices.

STATUS: The project suffered some construction delays due to underground unforeseen conditions the revise substantial completion dates are as follows:

CS Building -- 4/20/00
Dalby Building -- 8/2100
H Building -- 12/20/00


Osborn Site Landscaping

SCOPE: Provide new landscaping for Osborn site.

STATUS: Drawings are complete. Retaining wall and berm is scheduled to start during the third week of January.

4. Osborn Signs

SCOPE: Provide room number signs at exterior doors for entire site.

STATUS: The project has been awarded to ASI Architectural Signs who was the low bidder.

5. Osborn Monument Signs

SCOPE: Provide building monument signs consistent with main campus.

STATUS: Purchase order to the vendor was issued. The signdesign will be finalized in the coming weeks.